2021 Winners, Losers & Lessons with Yunt Capital

Yunt Capital


As we conclude what has been absolutely insane year over here at Yunt Capital it feels like a good time to check in with the Yunts on our wins, losses, and lessons from 2021, as well as look forward to what this new year might have in store for frogs and degens around the world.


Biggest Win: This one is a real toss up between buying OHM early (thanks JaLa!) and minting Fidenza. I will go with OHM based on the liquidity. Without OHM I would not have been able to survive the initial bear market and therefore would have missed our initial YC opportunities.

Biggest Loss: Selling $SPELL for a 2x. The problem with becoming a profit maxi is sometimes you nip a good thing in the bud a bit too early. I didn’t even “need” the money I just thought “profit is profit”. I faded my own conviction and paid the price as it shot to the moon. Had I just held I might not even be writing this :kek:

Biggest Level Up: Learning to be comfortable in stablecoins. I fumbled the bag pretty hard when it came to taking profits into stables during the April pamp and the subsequent May pullback. Had I held with conviction and not been so scared of losing out on ETH I would have been far better off. As it was this was a lesson learned. While I am always long ETH to some extent I think learning how to leverage stables depending on market conditions has made me a dramatically more successful investor.

2022 Prediction: GameFi is the meme of 2022 but it’s all very reminiscent of the early days of mobile gaming. Two or three will stand the test of time but the fullness of time it will be a race to capture profits before the players everyone cares about enter the arena. Beyond GameFi I think 2022 will be the year of Ethereum L2s. Alternative L1s had their day in the sun and now the narrative of ETH 2.0 and zk rollups will shine.


Biggest Win: Biggest Win: My biggest win was probably Bored Apes. I bought my first, a seven-trait with a rare king’s robe, like a day after the mint for 1 ETH. I’m not going to lie, at the time — and this was before anyone but Path thought NFTs were a great investment — I thought I would never see that $3k again, but I made my peace with it because I knew this would be my crypto identity for the long-haul. The pestering idea that did give me hope BAYC was a good investment was that there was a whole inflow of crypto and NFT lovers who were starting to make money this cycle and wanted to have a crypto-native PFP that they owned, yet didn’t have the money for punks. Along with this, I saw a desire to build a new brand as many punk owners were crypto OGs and the old guard. We were the new wave and wanted a new identity. After dropping one ETH I never thought I‘d see again, I convinced everyone in YC to buy an ape because they looked cool as fuck. Bought my second, one with a bunch of rare traits, for 3.5 ETH a few weeks after. Obviously, the floor went up a ton since then, but it’s not just the floor price that made it an incredible win. I got airdropped two dogs, got both an M1 and M2 serum, was able to mint a few mutants, so I probably made 25+ ETH on just the rewards. This isn’t even mentioning the dope events in NYC, all the cool people I’ve met being in BAYC, and the fact that I’ve secured a metaverse identity that I really love. My only regret is not buying more despite telling all the Yunts to.

Biggest Loss: This one is easy for me: not minting Fidenzas. Man, fellow Yunts Bew and Meta told me about them and were hyping them up for like a week before the mint date. I was instantly sold as I loved the art. It was the first generative art project where I looked at them and knew they would be hanging in museums one day. Despite this, I missed the mint date, then didn’t buy any on secondary days after despite the floor being like 1 ETH. I thought I could wait a bit for more liquidity. Boy was I mistaken. This was one of those times when I was reminded of the most valuable lesson: Yunt hard. Yunt Fast. Yunt Capital. I sers, did not yunt hard or fast enough and paid the price. Alongside that, I learned the equally valuable lesson: Never fade Metaregular.

Biggest Level Up: Easily my biggest level up was getting involved with and building YC. Of course, us becoming a VC in the space is huge for my returns, but what’s been even bigger is having a community to bounce ideas off of, learn from, build with, and have as friends to keep me honest and focused. We all know the money in crypto is great, but to me, what we have the chance to build here has always been more important. I’ve been lucky enough to find like-minded people who want to use this technology to build a better future for all people, that want all people to have the opportunity at the financial freedom and control they always dreamed of. What we’ve done at YC, anyone can do. I highly encourage everyone to build a community. You don’t have to become a VC, you don’t have to do what we’ve done or have our goals, but there has been no bigger crypto level up for me in terms of my learning, development, happiness, gains, and impact.

2022 Prediction: Markets: numba go down, then numba go up, then numba go down a lil, then numba go up a lot. Then 2023 supercycle or global financial crash. It’s a coin-flip on which IMO.

Tech: We get DeFi 2.5 as interoperability grows, NFTs 2.0, TeFi season, and a whole bunch of new fun stuff we haven’t imagined yet. ZK and L2s are going to be more widely used than most alt-L1s, besides the Solanas and Terras who have an ecosystem with unique draws.

NFTs: The next NFT bull looks really different than the last one. It’s not just a jump between PFP projects but NFTs that have new utility, tech, or purpose outside a random roadmap.


Biggest Win: My biggest win by far will be going all in on ETH during the COVID crash of 2020 and scooping up as much cheap and even sub $100 eth my wage slaving self could muster. Speaking in terms of 2021 alone, I had a few, but by far $SPELL will be my biggest win in 2021. Hindsight 20/20 it just looks so damn easy and I should have bet the farm on it.

Biggest Loss: After selling into stables at around ETH 3950 in May, my unsureness to buy back into the market after multiple opportunities (even as low as 1700) was a big opportunity cost. On top of that Ihad some real winners picked out, and the shaking of the market made me throw my conviction right out the window for these projects. Still managed up to 5x on these but that is nothing compared to some of the highs these projects had seen.

Biggest Level Up: Story Time. My biggest level up in 2021 was reconnecting with an old fren. We were reminiscing about the old days and they had mentioned some other old frens were building their own project. This prompted a voice chat with another old fren where I had gotten an invite to their discord. It was within this very discord where I met new frens. Some I shitposted with, others I marveled at just how their brains work, some I wanted to befriend based solely on their PFP (Berg of course). As the bonds grew stronger day in and day out of shit posting and selling each other rugs, I sent a DM to fren Sath and said we have a bunch of aligned and like minded individuals, and with the time we have on hand for shit posting, maybe we can do ‘something’. I had no idea what ‘something’ was or that just about all these people are miles ahead of me on the curve, but I like to think that initiated a spark because that same day I received an invite to a new server…. a server who’s name today is Yunt Capital.

2022 Prediction: We came very far in not a lot of time. Big money is here in crypto, but maybe not just buying tokens in your favorite chain, but investing and buying equity in some of the largest protocols in the space. When ETH blew to new all time highs is 2017, we needed to cool off and show that this new price range was warranted. DeFi and NFTs helped to take eth to new all time highs in 2021. I feel we are in for a bit of a cool down and a bit of a building phase here again to warrant our new lovely $4k ETH. We move sideways for a bit and maybe even spend some time lower, all the while building what will be the next catalysts for new all time high ETH in the future. As we’ve seen with chains such as Terra, I wouldn’t be surprised of other chains finding utility and gaining market share while devs work to figure out ETH 2.0


Biggest Win: My biggest win this year was $SPELL by a mile. Got in extremely early and held for almost the perfect amount of time. Caught it super early, believed, held and rode it

Biggest Loss: Many Yunts got into Chainbinders. Great tokenomics, looked like a solid project. It was my first Yunt into an NFT project and it was a complete failure. I broke even, maybe even made a few % on it. The real loss here was that there was so many delays, missed opportunity cost that I got soured for NFTs for a bit. I think I followed it up with another unsuccessful NFT play and those two scared me off of other NFT Yuntings for a bit. People talked about BAYC, I looked and almost pulled the trigger but had the PTSD. People were minting Fidenzas and Ringers and I was just not believing. Biggest lesson here is don’t fade Yunts when Yunting. I almost bought so many BAYC’s. Down pretty bad right here.

Biggest Level Up: I’ve been in this space for a while and have done fairly well. It wasn’t a fraction of what we’ve accomplished Yunting together. Finding a group of people I love and trust is immensely powerful. The diversity and the great people here are what makes it profitable and fun. It was a weird merge of interesting backgrounds but it works so wonderfully. Find your tribe, build your tribe and succeed as a team.

2022 Prediction: Metaverse projects continue to climb. AAA game publisher integrated NFTs into a game. Social tokens have their day in the spotlight ($DESO). Play to earn games continue to be big but the field will be murky, pick good ones. Crabada is one to watch. ETH will fix gas fees and become the darling again.


Biggest Win: Luna was easily my biggest win this past year, after our resident bear (Sath) and I bought the extreme lows after the spring/summer crash. I had complete conviction in the trade as I had spent hours poring over the white paper and using the ecosystem, at the time it seemed fairly obvious to me that the market needed a true censorship-resistant algo stable, and now UST is up at around a 10B marketcap. Was really rewarding to watch my thesis play out in front of me. P.S. I still hold 50 percent of the bag.

Biggest Loss: Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a paperhanded bitch (no more!). With that being said, I have lost out on truly wife changing money from exiting positions early and not having conviction. My two biggest bag fumbles have been buying ILV at $50 and selling at $100 because I didnt stick to my guns (YC market fudsters got the best of me), and selling my $SPELL at a 20 percent loss at 12M marketcap. These two instances have taught me lots about conviction in my plays of size.

Biggest Level Up: Stumbling my way into Yunt has easily been my biggest level up, maybe in life at this point to be honest. I am a younger guy and knew I loved being involved in crypto but couldn’t put together a plan to actually break into being involved in the space. Yunt gave me the most random and organic opportunity to do that. I have no doubt that the “it is about the friends you made along the way” saying is completely on point and the communities I have been a part of have given me lots to be excited about in the future. Also shoutout to all the homies in the They Might Be Yunts public Discord, y’all are true degens and I love chilling with you all.

2022 Prediction: 2021 was the year of the L1, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a resurgence in applications on the hottest performing L1s. I am still heavily interested in the Terra ecosystem as I believe it is integral for increasing the UST marketcap so I am personally investing my time and capital there.


Biggest Win:Biggest Win: NFT speaking, mine was unequivocally Parallel! After stumbling into the Discord when it was under <50 members, I decided to buy a handful of cards which in turn became the rarest subset of cards. Additionally, the Parallel team rewarded early adopters with airdropped PKs… it was the gift that kept on giving!

My biggest coin win was Luna and even better, it was my gf’s first investment into the crypto space. She had asked me to take some of her money and ‘invest it into crypto’ — I used it all to swap into Luna and ever since then, she thinks I am a literal crypto God 😎

Biggest Loss: Do I have to say this publicly? Ugh. It was losing 6 figures on one of the most moronic plays I think I will ever conduct in this space. It was during prime Fantom hype when a new AMM was launching (Hyperswap which I believe is now Hyperjump?) and I bet the farm on building Mechs so that I could farm more of a reactive coin. Yes, it’s that stupid. I’m not sure what I was thinking but I learned numerous lessons and I think it has been a foundational piece on how I look at all investments. So thank you Hyperswap!

Biggest Level Up: Without a doubt helping kickstart Yunt Capital with an amazing group of people. The amount of luck that went into connecting with like-minded individuals and forming something from meme to reality is just absolutely absurd and I’m still not sure how to accurately describe it. The big level up for me personally was understanding that you can provide value and make an impact even in the form of shitposting! The secret? Showing up, listening, and learning. Act like you are the dumbest person in the room and actively participate to level yourself up.

2022 Prediction: NFTs evolve away from PFP series and start to actually become a vehicle for utility. NFTs have an awful reputation in the gaming space and other normie ventures, we need a company/team/platform to showcase how NFTs are here to stay and why the typical anti-NFT talking points are irrelevant. Will it be Parallel? Will it be something else? I hope so because from a PR standpoint, it is sorely needed. Oh and the SEC is going to continue to talk complete nonsense about the crypto space and make us sad.

Disclaimer: Members within Yunt Capital DAO may be invest in the tokens or projects mentioned in this article.

As always, please do your own research. This is not financial advice. Every strategy is not for everyone. Each investor needs to understand what is right for them.

